Cracked or broken window repair Milwaukee | Milwaukee Window repair Home Glass

During the course of homeownership, you are bound to face a broken window at some point. An errant baseball smashes through a second story window or extreme weather causes a window pane break. Permanently repairing a broken window is not always an immediate option, but a quick fix will help keep weather and insects out until you can manage a more permanent repair or replacement.

But now that winter is upon us, it is best to get that glass repaired.  Contact Home Glass of Milwaukee and have that window glass repaired before the cold weather creeps into your home.  Just a small crack in your window can increase your heating bill big time.  Replacing window glass is a cost effective way of saving money on heating bills and also is less expensive then replacing the entire window.

Home Glass Co Inc of Milwaukee provides glass products and services for residential and commercial uses serving, Milwaukee, Waukesha and all of southeastern Wisconsin. Windows, Storefronts, shower doors, mirrors, tabletops and more. 414-434-0180